Boulder, Co. – The Booth Company, an international provider of leadership and management assessments since 1972, marks the tenth anniversary of trademarking the term “720 Feedback.” “720 Feedback” formalizes the pre-post concept of obtaining multi-rater feedback that the company developed in the 1970s. 720 Feedback® provides a second assessment that allows comparison of a participant’s results over a period of time, often 12-18 months. This comparison informs participants of their developmental progress and gives them an opportunity to update and change their individual development plans.

Daniel Booth, CEO of The Booth Company, reflected on why the company trademarked 720 Feedback® in 1999. “By the end of the 1990’s, nearly 70% of major corporations and government agencies were conducting 360 feedback programs. Hundreds of consulting firms had joined The Booth Company as providers and some were scrambling to claim the invention of 360 feedback at the US Patent and Trademark Office. Professional standards that we helped establish in the early 1970’s were being ignored. Anyone with a pc and a printer could write surveys and everyone, it seemed, was doing so. As one of the original publishers of research and theory based 360’s, it was time to distinguish ourselves in this new marketplace. 720 Feedback® was our stake in the ground-a rightful claim to a uniquely standard-setting catalogue of multi-rater assessments.”

“Prof. Frank Shipper has published nearly 30 research studies in juried journals on what makes 360 programs effective. Re-testing within well-designed programs has emerged as a an absolute “best practice”. In his latest paper “Investigating the Sustainability of a Sustained 360 Process”, judged Best Paper at the 2009 Academy of Management Meeting in Chicago, he documents the value of 720 Feedback within 12-18 months and thereafter at 24 months.”

Statistically validated surveys are the backbone of The Booth Company’s 720 Feedback® programs. Comparing results over time is only effective if the instrumentation is psychometrically sound and accurate. The company’s 360 surveys have the following attributes: expert authorship, with factor analyzed competencies, ensuring measurement acuity, role-specific dimensions and questions; concurrent validity through third party research; research indicating which competencies drive success in each role; a reliable and valid theory of leadership development called the Task Cycle; and support material and resources, such as feedback workshops, online development tools, and coaching to help maximize return on investment.