The process of implementing a 360 assessment is just as important as the assessment itself. The way the process is designed and executed can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the feedback and the overall success of the program.

A reliable and effective 360 assessment process can provide valuable insights into an individual’s performance and help to create a culture of feedback within an organization. It is important to ensure that the process is well-designed and administered to maximize the benefits and minimize any potential drawbacks. 

Let’s unpack the process in detail taking a look at some of the critical aspects that can determine 360 assessment success.

1. Determining the Objectives of the Program

Determining the objectives is typically the start of the process.  It is the preliminary work of figuring out the goals and what is needed to meet those goals before, during, and after the process. By identifying the objectives of the 360 feedback program, you can ensure that it aligns with the broader goals of your organization. This ensures that the feedback program supports and reinforces the organization’s values, culture, and strategic objectives.

In short, determining the objectives and needs of a 360 feedback program is important because it helps to align the program with organizational goals, provides relevant feedback, focuses development efforts, and improves engagement with the feedback process.

2. Identifying the 360 Assessment

The 360 assessment is the foundation of the entire 360 feedback process, and it is crucial to identify the best assessment solution to ensure the success of the program.

The assessment should be designed to measure the specific skills and competencies that are most relevant to the individual’s job responsibilities and performance expectations. Additionally, the assessment should be structured in a way that provides accurate, reliable, and actionable feedback to the individual being assessed.

“”The 360 assessment is the foundation of the entire 360 feedback process, and it is crucial to identify the best assessment solution to ensure the success of the program””

Ultimately, investing the time and resources to select the right 360 assessment tool can lead to more effective and meaningful feedback, as well as greater individual and organizational growth and development.

Choosing the right 360 feedback assessment requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some key steps to help you choose the best solution for your needs:

  1. Identify your goals: Start by defining the objectives of your 360 feedback program as noted at the beginning of this article. What skills and competencies do you want to measure? Are you using the feedback for performance evaluation, development, or both? Answering these questions will help you determine the right assessment tool to meet your specific needs.
  2. Assess your organizational culture: Consider your organization’s culture, values, and leadership style. A 360 feedback assessment should align with your organization’s values and support its culture of open communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
  3. Evaluate the assessment tool: Look for an assessment tool that has been validated and has a track record of success. Consider factors such as the quality and reliability of the data, the ease of use for participants, and the level of customization and flexibility the tool offers.
  4. Consider the support and resources available: Ensure that the assessment tool comes with adequate support and resources, including training and coaching for participants, access to technical support, and guidance on how to interpret and use the feedback.
  5. Test the assessment tool: Before implementing the tool across your organization, pilot it with a small group of participants to ensure that it is effective and meets your needs.  You can also use pilot data to create a norm for your organization which is a great way for participants to see where they stand in comparison.

By following these steps, you can select a 360 feedback assessment that aligns with your goals, culture, and needs, and that will help drive growth and development for individuals and your organization as a whole.

3. Communicating the Purpose to Those Involved

To ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the 360 feedback process, it is essential to have a clear and comprehensive communication plan that addresses the goals of the program, the process, and the responsibilities of the participants.

The communication plan should include the following:

  • A clear statement of the goals of the program, including what the organization hopes to achieve through the 360 process.
  • An explanation of the process, including how the feedback will be collected, who will be involved, and how the feedback will be used.
  • Clear guidance for participants on what they are accountable for, including how to distribute surveys to their raters, complete the self-survey, and follow up with their raters.
  • Information on the confidentiality and anonymity of the feedback process, including how the feedback will be collected and reported, and how it will be kept confidential.
  • The communication plan should be distributed to all participants well in advance of the 360 process. This will give them time to ask questions, understand the process, and prepare for the feedback they will receive.

By having a clear and comprehensive communication plan, organizations can help to ensure that the 360 process is successful, accurate, and acted upon. It also helps to build trust and transparency with participants and stakeholders, which is critical for the success of any feedback process or change management initiative.

4. Collecting Feedback 

Soliciting and collecting feedback is a process that includes its own set of best practices. In general, it’s a simple concept but it’s worth explaining if you are unfamiliar with 360 feedback.

To simplify the explanation of the collection process the person being rated will be referred to as the “”Participant””.  

  1. The organization chooses the participant(s) that will be assessed and determines a deadline for the feedback collection.  The deadline is typically 2-3 weeks and commonly corresponds with a debrief or coaching event.  
  2. The participant receives instructions on how to begin collecting feedback.  This often involves logging into an online platform where the collection process is then managed by the participant.
  3. The participant invites their raters by entering each rater’s contact information and selecting their relationships to the participant, such as manager, direct report, and peers.  It is crucial for the participant to ensure an adequate number of raters are invited. This helps ensure a sufficient number of completed surveys, and is an important component of protecting rater anonymity. In many instances, a minimum threshold of received surveys is established to prevent the identification of individuals when feedback is provided. Additionally, certain platforms offer the option to merge rater groups to meet these minimum requirements.
  4. The participant completes an assessment about themselves, so their ratings can easily be compared to other rater groups.
  5. Invited raters complete their assessment about the participant based on their own observations and interactions.  If required, raters are reminded to complete their assessment by the deadline provided.
  6. If the minimum assessment requirements are met then a feedback report is generated and delivered once the deadline has passed.  

The above represents a common 360 assessment process for completing the assessments.  The process is rather simple and can be easy to manage depending on the assessment platform.

5. The Feedback Results

When a participant meets the minimum number of 360 feedback assessments by the specified deadline, a comprehensive feedback report is generated and delivered. These reports typically encompass a summary of the feedback provided by raters, along with an additional self-assessment contributed by the participant. The inclusion of benchmark data and developmental recommendations may also be part of the report. The distribution of these reports usually takes place before or during a scheduled feedback event or coaching session, either in person or virtually.

For first-time participants, it is strongly recommended they receive their feedback report during a coaching or feedback event. This approach ensures that the report can be reviewed and discussed in a positive and supportive manner. 

6. 360 Assessment Coaching

First-time participants are recommended to attend a 360 assessment workshop or coaching event to help facilitate proper interpretation of their feedback report. These events are designed to help individuals understand how to interpret and use the feedback provided in their reports. Participants can expect activities such as identifying key strengths and development areas, setting goals, and creating a plan for improvement.

“”For first-time participants, it is strongly recommended they receive their feedback report during a coaching or feedback event. This approach ensures that the report can be reviewed and discussed in a positive and supportive manner. “”

Coaching, in particular, is an essential component of the 360 process, as it provides a safe space for participants to explore their feedback. A skilled coach can help participants identify patterns in their feedback, clarify goals, and develop practical strategies to make lasting changes. A coach can guide the participants through their results, focusing on the behaviors they need to improve while filtering and diffusing their emotional responses. With the guidance and support of a coach, participants can leverage their 360 feedback to create positive and meaningful growth in their leadership effectiveness.


7. Creating a Development Plan

Following a 360 feedback coaching session, participants create an individual development plan based on the feedback report or data received. The development plan typically includes specific actions and goals that the participants will take to improve their performance in the areas identified in their feedback report. 

The development plan should be created by the participant with support from their coach or manager, if applicable. It should reflect the participant’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and development needs, and should take into account the goals of the organization. Participants are encouraged to share their development plan with their stakeholders, such as their manager, peers, and direct reports, to ensure alignment and support.

Overall, creating a development plan is a critical step in the 360 assessment process, as it helps participants turn the feedback received into actionable goals and plans for improvement. By taking concrete steps to address the areas identified in their feedback report, participants can improve their performance, develop their skills, and contribute more effectively to their organization.

8. Development Progress

Keeping stakeholders informed of personal development progress is an essential part of the 360 feedback process. This can be done through regular check-ins with their manager or coach, sharing progress reports, and discussing progress in team meetings or one-on-one conversations.

To measure progress, participants may go through another 360 feedback assessment at a later date, or use pulse check assessments, to gauge progress on specific skills or areas of development. Pulse check assessments are typically shorter and are designed to measure progress on specific goals or development areas. Additionally, they are oftentimes deployed more frequently than full 360s.

By tracking progress and sharing it with their stakeholders, participants can demonstrate their commitment to personal and professional growth, build trust and credibility with their colleagues, and align their development efforts with the goals of the organization.

Wrapping it Up

360-degree feedback programs are ubiquitous in corporate training, but the difference between a successful one and a huge waste of resources oftentimes comes down to a well-thought-out and executed process. By ensuring a well-structured and carefully administered approach, organizations can maximize the benefits derived from the feedback, while also mitigating any potential drawbacks. Embracing a thoughtful and strategic approach to 360 feedback implementation will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and development of individuals, and the organization as a whole, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.