Those who believe in Myers-Briggs say that there are two types of people in this world: introverts and extroverts. The tropes are upheld by psychology majors and anyone who utilizes the art of sociological observation. The stereotype is that introverts are incapable of making decent business interactions, compared to the extroverts who continue to mislead people. It’s not that introverts and extroverts establish a hierarchy over the other, it’s how they have different outlooks that pace unique methods of success. There are exciting elements to explore when looking into the difference between introvert/ extrovert leadership styles!


Understanding How Extrovert and Introvert Play Into Cognitive Functions

Carl Jung
introduced his theory of depth psychology in the early 1900’s. From these assertions, Myers-Briggs was introduced into the realm of academia.

Extroverted and introverted thinking can be narrowed to these facts:

  1. People perceive the world by using intuition or sensation.
  2. Conclusions are derived from their perceptions and the application of logic, feelings or values to create a multifaceted analyzation.
  3. Essentially, people place varied importance on values, logic, feelings, and intuition at different cognitive rates.


Extrovert Leadership Styles

The extrovert leadership style relies on engaging others and then detailing all aspects of data out loud. Extroverts are goal-oriented and seek to know how everything works in a bold manner. For example, some extroverted bosses feel the need to be included in their employers’ lives beyond work. This is really intrusive, but the leadership style involves taking into account every detail of progress. The reasoning behind this is due to the extroverts’ placement of values, thus the extrovert wants to provide structure and harmony.

Introverted Leadership Styles

Introverts are unfairly written off by those who don’t understand their sensitivity to strategy. Introverts notice structure by analyzing patterns in their data. The leadership style of an introvert usually involves repetition. They go over data to see every nuance and every output that may lead to another input down the road. Introverts are hard workers who thrive in workplaces where paying attention to detail is a prerequisite. Introverts face difficulty rising to the top. Based on their dominant function, they may process too much information without updating their peers.

Ultimately, individual factors that go into the deeper inner workings of the introvert and extrovert should always be accounted for. Despite the ability to reference objective personality traits within introvert and extrovert learning abilities and communication styles, there are plenty of variations of the two. Both styles of leadership can work well, as long as they are not portrayed as extreme.