There are three types of bosses when it comes to employee morale: the boss who is very focused on keeping morale high, the kind who is solely worried about the job and neglects the morale aspect and lastly, the clueless boss which has the best of intentions for employee morale, but still inadvertently destroys it. Whichever you may be, morale is essential for employee retention, good productivity and a healthy work environment. If you feel like your workplace lacks any of these aspects, maybe it’s time to reevaluate how you handle your employees.
Here are five ways you may be killing employee morale without even knowing it:
Consistency is imperative for your employees to feel secure and well-balanced. If some days you are friendly and happy, but others you’re agitated and short, employees will be reluctant to approach and form a healthy employee/employer bond, breaking down the cohesion of the team and thus, morale. Also, Bad moods are contagious, just like smiles. Do you want a happy team or a mass of disgruntled employees? Additionally, playing favorites and constantly changing expectations can hamper your employees’ effectiveness. Stay consistent and even-keeled to keep a level on employee morale.
If employees view you as sneaky and deceitful, they will feel no loyalty to you. With no loyalty, employees will be more likely to slack on responsibilities and be dishonest with you. As with any other relationship, honesty is the best policy. This also includes following through with any raises and promotions that you promise.
Not Giving Everyone Equal Opportunity
Without a goal to move towards, the work place can stagnate. If you never reward certain people or allow mobility between jobs, they will come to work solely for the paycheck and probably move on when they find something better. Rewards make the job more personal and encourages friendly competition, invigorating your employees.
Putting Up With Negative Attitudes
Maybe you have a really good worker, but they have a really poor attitude. They’re constantly negative to the team and you’ve received complaints. By overlooking the attitude problem, you’re undervaluing the well-being of your other employees. It’s exceedingly difficult to work with a negative person and maintain a positive attitude. Talk to the person about their attitude and take corrective actions.
Focusing on Weaknesses and Not Utilizing Strengths
Everyone has different talents. Perhaps, you’re constantly noticing an employee’s poor performance in one area and picking at him or her for it. They will probably quit eventually or just not care anymore. If rather you focus on everyone’s strengths, you can build a more efficient team. As a simplified and small example, if Susie is bad at filing but good with math, and Matt has the opposite problem, you could assign tasks that allow them to excel in each of their talents, instead of bringing them down for something they likely have no control over.