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Take Advantage of Your Vacation Days

Written by Kurt Blazek | Jun 11, 2015 6:00:00 AM

If your company asked you to work for free for an entire week would you agree to it? Most would be quick to respond with a definite no. However, according to an Oxford Economics survey published in 2014, many employees are essentially doing just that. The survey indicates that used vacation days are at the lowest rate in four decades.

The U.S. Travel Association also estimates close to $52.4 billion dollars in benefits are lost every year as employees forfeit paid vacation days. While the numbers alone should inspire a person to take a break, there are other reasons a vacation could be the best thing for an employee and the company. Here are the top four reasons you should use your vacation days.

Vacation – Being Recharged Because You Unplugged:

  1. 1. When employees continually work without a break, their mind becomes exhausted. Time away from the daily grind can help clear the fog and give the brain a much-needed reprieve. This gives you the chance to return with a fresh perspective and new ideas.
  2. 2. Taking a break can also help boost job performance. Taking the time to do something outside of the normal routine will help you unwind and relax. This will cause you to return to work with renewed motivation and vigor.
  3. 3. A vacation can also be beneficial to your health. Stress has devastating consequences to physical and psychological health. Taking the time to eliminate stress will keep you healthier and happier. This will carry over into the work place as well.
  4. 4. Using your paid vacation days will also help prevent burnout. Employees who take the time to recharge and rest are generally happier with their position and their company. As a result, employee turnover rates are lower and job performance increases.

Giving yourself a chance to unplug and recharge is not a selfish act. In fact, it is possibly the best thing you can do to enhance your personal and professional life.