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General Leadership

What Are You REALLY Celebrating?

High-fives and victory dances are awesome (especially for uploading to YouTube after one too many celebratory toasts at the all-night company happy hour). But sometimes we need to pause in the midst of the revelry to ask just what it… Continue Reading →

Dream of Becoming a Leader? Five Essential Tips to Get You Started

Have you dreamed of inspiring others, but hesitation left you in the background while someone else took the limelight? Have you wanted to guide your co-workers, but weren’t sure how? Did you have creative ideas to better your company, but couldn’t find the right opportunity to present them? Within every one of us is the ability to become a leader, a great leader at that, even if you’ve been a follower your whole life. How do you go about accomplishing such a dream?

Let these five essential tips get you started: