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Professional self care

Your FitBit wakes you up at 5:30am. You grab the remote with one hand and your phone with the other. Simultaneously you are watching the news and checking Twitter. Then you switch the TV to ESPN and your phone to email. Quickly you respond to the most urgent...... Continue Reading →

Stress. Sometimes even the word can bring it on. And we have all heard how bad stress is for our bodies: heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, chronic headaches, depression, anxiety, and even weight gain (Wait! Stress can make me fat? Now I AM depressed)...... Continue Reading →

You work hard, present new ideas, and take the initiative every chance you get thinking that you’ll be sure to get that promotion when it comes around. Gathering up the courage to ask for a promotion is a big deal, and hearing “no” can make you want to crawl...... Continue Reading →

As viewers, we cheered when the Wicked Witch of the West was reduced to a puddle after a bit of a splash. We cringed when the Man of Steel was rendered powerless when exposed to kryptonite. And while those fictional characters’ nemeses were meant more as a...... Continue Reading →

Everyone has bad days from time to time — Those days when you’re drowning in important projects and can’t bring yourself to start a single one of them. The Summer months seem to have even more of these days, when people day dream about the beach or hanging out...... Continue Reading →

Just a regular day at the office, and, first thing in the morning, your to-do list is at least a mile long. You hit lunch break and see that nothing has changed: you still have the same number of tasks on your list. Suddenly, it’s time to go home, and you might...... Continue Reading →