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The world of sales is one fraught with pressure. As a sales manager who manages a large sales team, you probably already understand this. Being from the trenches, you know what it’s like for those in sales and the pressures behind it.... Continue Reading →

Some people think leadership is all about education. Others think it’s all about experience. Most people would agree that leadership is certainly about both these things. But Theo Epstein, club president of the Chicago Cubs, thinks leadership is about something...... Continue Reading →

You’ve probably heard about the magic that is supposed to happen when you practice Management by Walking Around. This is a term coined by management guru Tom Peters in the 1980s when he noticed that good managers communicate a lot better with their teams than...... Continue Reading →

High-fives and victory dances are awesome (especially for uploading to YouTube after one too many celebratory toasts at the all-night company happy hour). But sometimes we need to pause in the midst of the revelry to ask just what it is we’re really...... Continue Reading →

Micromanaging. Everyone who has ever worked as part of the typical office workforce can attest to at least one boss who was a micromanager. They’re dreaded and feared, and when push comes to shove either their people snap or they do.... Continue Reading →

Jen-Hsun Huang is one of the most interesting CEOs of today. His leadership style is often overlooked in favor of more public CEOs such as Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Tony Hsieh (Zappos). Huang’s leadership style is about personal authenticity and intellectual...... Continue Reading →